Bed Bug Lawyer in Houston, TX

If you spent one or more nights in a hotel, Airbnb, resort, or other travel lodging and wound up with red, itchy bumps or welts on your body, you may have been exposed to bed bugs. Bed bugs can be difficult to notice, but their bites can lead to serious complications such as hives, breathing difficulties, rapid heart rate, wheezing, swelling of the mouth and throat, and confusion. Bed bugs do not discriminate, and they can infest even the most pristine-appearing accommodations.

If you reside in the Greater Houston area and think you may be a victim of bed bugs, you need the prompt attention of a bed bug lawyer. Leo & Oginni, Personal Injury Lawyers in Houston, TX, can help you.

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny brown parasites that survive by consuming the blood of humans and animals. They are naturally drawn to warm, carbon dioxide-rich areas. 

Bed bugs are often found in:

  • Mattresses
  • Pillows and sheets
  • Drapes and blinds
  • Carpeting
  • Towels
  • Clothing
  • Handbags, purses, and backpacks

While bed bugs do not fly, they can climb anything very rapidly. Once it finds its host, a bed bug will break the skin and extract blood using an elongated beak. The insect will feed for three to ten minutes before becoming engorged and changing in color from brown to red. The misery they leave behind can be excruciating. 

Signs of a bed bug infestation include itchy skin, fecal spots on linen, aggregation or gathering of insects, and molten skins left behind by the bugs. Bed bugs may not transmit diseases from one host to another, but they can still cause extensive damage.

Common Injuries and Damages Caused by Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can wreak a lot of havoc. Some of the most common injuries they might cause include:

  • Rashes
  • Skin abrasions
  • Bleeding
  • Infections
  • Tissue damage
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement

An allergic reaction to a bed bug bite can result in anaphylactic shock.

For many victims, the psychological trauma caused by bed bugs can be worse than the physical injuries. Insomnia, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues have been reported by sufferers. On top of all this, a bed bug attack can lead to extensive financial and personal damages. Lost wages, medical expenses, and severe emotional distress can all result.

What Should You Do if Bed Bugs Bite You?

If bed bugs bite you and your symptoms become alarming, seek medical attention immediately. The longer you wait, the more serious the complications can become.

Because your injury is due to the negligence of the hotel owner, you should not have to deal with the consequences and cover the costs on your own. Contact an experienced bed bug lawyer who can take on your case and get the desired results. You should note that you may have a limited time to demand compensation, so you must take action quickly.

Bed Bug Lawyers in Houston: Receive Compensation for Personal Injury

Hotel owners are obligated to provide sanitary rooms that are free from infestation to their paying customers. When that obligation is breached, they become liable.

Leo & Oginni Personal Injury Lawyers in Houston have extensive experience and are prepared to take on your bed bug claim. Our goal is to help you recover damages from your injuries so that you can get back to living your life.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation if you suspect you've been attacked by bed bugs. We're ready to get your bed bug lawsuit started. Get compensation from personal injury with us! 

Image Source: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

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